Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Interns, here I come.

I've spent a LOT of time in prayer about what God wants me to do with my life in the coming year. Courtesy of Allene and Elisa, I have many verses from Proverbs and one from Isaiah that clearly illustrate that the Lord wants me home in San Diego. That part is already decided, but what about Interns? It's something that I have wanted to do ever since I heard about it, but I wasn't sure if it was God or me just wanting to do it because it looked like fun. I would LOVE to spend a year of my life in service and in learning about my newfound faith. The main thing that has been holding me back is my fear of financial insecurity; Interns does cost a bit of money. I had been thinking, lately, that I would skip out on interns and use the money to go back to college, get my credential and begin my teaching career. I am 24, after all and that is "getting up there in years". ;)
So I was sitting in my living room in LA, praying and reading the Bible and I happened to be in the book of Psalms. I had been praying fervently for guidance from the Lord about what path to take in my life and Psalm 127:1 leapt right off the page:

Unless the LORD builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the LORD guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain.

With that simple phrase, God told me what He wanted me to do. It seems like He was saying, "Leah , you can make all the plans you want, but there is no point in doing so unless I am behind them. You can build your life according to your own blueprints, but trust Me, Mine are better. Come and see what kind of a house I will build for you, with Me as the foundation."

I was so excited, and a bit overwhelmed. The Lord has only spoken that clearly to me once before and it was just as powerful the second time around. Now I have to make plans to get this internship up and running, financial fears aside. It's time to obey the Word that I was given.


Jael said...

I love that verse!!!! I remember talking about it in church or in interns or something, but it's soooo good!!!!!! I'm so excited you're coming back!!! And you get to get involved in KIDZCITY AGAIN!!! WOO HOO!!!!

Sounds Like Natella said...

Yay! You're gonna be an intern, you're gonna be an intern! I wish we could do it together! (Remember I said I would?!) Here's another verse to meditate on and I believe it speaks in your situation now. When you are obedient, provision will follow. Love you and hope to hear from you soon! (2 Corinthians 8:10-12)

Al said...


That is so awesome. I have NO doubt that God will provide for you in every way. It will be fun - enjoy the ride!

Emilie said...

i like leah

(regardless of if she does interns or not)

i like leah