Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Remembering the big day.

I was talking to a VERY wise young woman yesterday. I was seeking her advice on something and she mentioned in passing that I "SO belong at The City Church." I laughed and said "I know." But after we hung up I REALLY started thinking about what she said. I remember the first day I walked through the doors of TCC. I was not saved at the time and my soul was just starving for God. I had done my share of trying to fill my life with other things and wound up hurt and empty...big surprise.

God walked into my life through a beautiful woman named Joy Veale, who happened to crash a summer school class I was taking. I could just tell that there was something different about her. She really personified her name. My Dad's health was not doing well at the time and I was struggling with demons of my own and I was really just drawn to her. I know, now, that what I saw coming out of her eyes was the love of Jesus Christ. (I also know that she's pretty flippin' awesome so that's why I was drawn to her too!) She would mention church here and there when I would ask her what she did over the weekend, etc. I REALLY wanted her to invite me to go with her so I kept dropping little hints about how I wanted to get back into a church but I wasn't really wanting to go to Catholic church...yadda yadda yadda. So when she asked, "Do you want to come to church with me?" I practically said yes before she even finished asking.

I was excited for Sunday. I thought I would be nervous because I had never been to someone else's church before, but my Dad was a born-again, on-fire Christian for 30 years so I knew a little bit about what this church would be like. I couldn't wait for the day to come. It was as if my heart knew that something BIG was about to happen. I had no idea how right I was...

I think I arrived a few minutes late because I had trouble finding the building so worship had already started by the time I walked in. I don't know what happened, but as soon as I walked into the sanctuary, I knew I was HOME. Something inside me just said "This is it. THIS is what I have been waiting for my whole life. THIS is where I belong." After worship was over Pastor Jerry asked if anyone needed prayer. I didn't know a soul in the place besides Joy and Mrs. Schneider, but my hand shot right up. I knew that this is what I needed. I went forward at the end of the service and gave my life to Christ, and I have never been the same since.

I love thinking about that day because it really takes me back to the joy of my salvation. God took me from my life, which was going nowhere and meant nothing, and gave me a purpose that means EVERYTHING. He lifted me out a pointless, empty life where everything dissapointed me, to set me on a path that gets more exciting every day. I get to have a loving, personal relationship with my Maker. The One who knew me before I was even in my Mother's womb, the One who knows the exact number of hairs on my head, the One who loves me more than His own life. I get to be blessed every day with amazing friends and amazing joy and provision. I get to have peace. I get to have TRUE love. There is just no describing the gratitude in my heart for what Jesus has done. I guess that's why we dance in church on Sundays, huh?

So Allene, you are correct. I SO belong at The City Church. God pulled me out of the muck and placed me here. I don't know why. I don't deserve it. It's purely a gift of God's grace. But I consider myself very blessed to be a part of it.


Al said...


That is so cool. God is being so glorified in your life.

joy said...
