Wednesday, July 12, 2006

God NEVER fails

God NEVER fails to provide perfect circumstances when it comes to carrying out His will for my life. I needed somewhere to stay during Interns and I REALLY wanted to live with my Mom but my stepdad wouldn't allow it; he thinks I'm too old to be living at home. I kept praying that God would change his heart and open up a way for me to live there, but nothing was happening. I finally gave in and told God that I would apply to have a host family, even though it's not what I wanted. But I still have to obey the word God gave me and do Interns. I wasn't super-excited about living with a family that I hardly know, but I figured it would be a growing experience and it would turn out for the best because things always do when God is behind them.

Last night I text-messaged my cousin to congratulate her on a new job that she just got. She is one of the producers with Turning Point, a ministry done by Pastor David Jeremiah that airs every Sunday morning on UPN. She and I were catching up on life a bit and we got talking about the internship. I explained everything that was happening and how I was waiting on the Lord to provide a place for me, and she said, "Leah, just something to think about, my Mom says you are always welcome to stay with us as long as you need to." I was like "WHAT?!?!" They have a room for me available right now for me to move into! This is a family that I have grown up with who also happen to be on-fire for Jesus! So, in three weeks, I will be living in Del Mar, rent-free, with a wonderful Christian family. How could I have ever even hoped for anything better!? It's just like the verses that we read last Sunday about how God is able to do far more than we would ever dare ask or dream.

I think God must smile when we finally realize the plan that He has been working on behind our backs. I'd been earnestly praying about moving in with my Mom and getting sad because I wasn't getting what I wanted. God must have been like, "Leah, just wait a few weeks. I have the PERFECT place for you. Trust Me. Just wait a little while longer." Now I see why He said "No" about my Mom's house. He had an even better place waiting...I just didn't know it yet.


Al said...

that is so awesome! It's just perfect- What a huge miracle! God is so faithful...

joy said...

Every time I think about how beautiful His pursuit of you is, I literally have to hold back tears because Leah, you are a woman with a remarkable future ahead of you...I said more in my voicemail tonight that I hope you you so much youss...see you on sunday with the lovely veronica!!!