Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Has it really only been 5 months?

Yep. Only 5 months since my Dad went home to Heaven, but it seems like a lifetime. I can keep it together most of the time. I can usually be happy that he is with Jesus, but today I am tired of the whole "not having him around" thing. I have my graduation ceremony on May 13th (Brittne and I are walking in the same ceremony!) and I know how much my Dad wanted to be there. I believe he still will be, but I wish I could see him watch me walk across that platform as the first Youssi girl to get a Bachelor's degree.

Today I am wishing for the Rapture so I can get to Heaven and jump into my Dad's arms for the most gigantic hug ever! I know I still have work to do, people to meet, and things to accomplish. But I am content, at this moment, to daydream and think upon the moment when I will be reunited with my Father, both of them. :)

1 comment:

Jael said...

I know how you feel. There's so many things I wish my dad could be at. But I know my Heavenly Father will be at everyone cheering me on, and you!!! I love you.