Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This is so AWESOME!!!

So, less than three hours after posting the blog about how I was bawling my eyes out because I miss my Dad so much, he has given me something to smile about. I was talking to my best friend about everything while we were at the gym and she has always been there to help me through any rough spot in my life. She also happens to work at a casting office, where she receives many gifts from actors who have been cast in something by her, or are hoping to be. These gifts usually take the form of cookies, brownies, alcohol, cards, gift certificates, and other things like that. Today, however, when she got back from the gym, there was a pecan pie sitting on the desk addressed to her and her boss. The pie was a gift from an actor who was apologizing for being late to an audition. In the entire year that my friend has worked in that office, no one has EVER given them pie of any kind. It also happens that pecan is my Dad's favorite dessert of all time. I can't help but smile because I know that this was a special message from my Dad to let me know that he is still with me. He heard everything I was saying earlier today and he did something to show me that he is thinking about me. I love it and I love you, Dad!

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