Thursday, August 14, 2008

3 years ago today...

God changed my life. On August 14, 2005, God mercifully extended His hand and offered me the gift of salvation. It is only by His amazing grace that I was able to accept His forgiveness. How can I explain the way Jesus Christ saved my life? How can I tell you what it's been like to have my life transformed, healed, and set on a path toward a destiny that I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams? I don't have words to do it justice. Nothing will ever fully explain the gratitude feel for being given a second chance...a chance for a new life that really is beyond my wildest dreams. I get to wake up each and every day knowing that I am passionately loved by my Heavenly much so that He gave His very life for me. The mind-boggling part is that He did it for you too! He did it for all of us. Can you imagine? What did we ever do to deserve something so wonderful? No human love could ever come close to what God has for you and me. I can't believe I missed it for 23 years! But it's a new day. TODAY is the day of salvation...three years ago today, to be exact. Thank You so much, Jesus. I love You more than anything and will spend the rest of my life trying to share a little bit of the love and life I have been so freely given.

1 comment:

Jael said...

Hey, I really love you a lot.