Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes...

I noticed Joey fighting back tears while attempting to share his computer game with his cousins. He kind of had his face covered so no one could see that he was crying. Up until this point, he had been doing a great job taking turns with Donovan and Shannon. But it turns out that the game was on shuffle mode and Joey's favorite challenge came up when it wasn't his turn. He was visibly upset but trying so hard to hide it. It was so precious, I couldn't resist so I asked,

"Joey, what's wrong?"

He drew a shaky breath and heaved a big sigh,

"It's just hard to wait."

Truer words were never spoken.



1 comment:

joy said...

What a wise little man! I appreciate that picture of you eating his ear...trying to keep a piece of him here in San Diego? He may need both ears though...