Saturday, June 30, 2007

Surprises in the mail

I am the last person in the world who should ever doubt God's ability to miraculously provide for my needs. I have seen time and time again how God can really bring things out of nowhere to take care of His kids when they're in trouble.

Since Interns has ended, I have been able to work more, which is good. But it seems like I just can't catch up on my finances. It's been very busy at Islands, but anytime I get some money, it goes to something right away. IE: Birthdays, car stuff, pet stuff, etc. I have always tithed faithfully and have seen it bring blessings into my life since I became a Christian almost two years ago.

But, I have to admit, I was a little curious as to why I wasn't seeing my usual prosperity in the finance department. I continued to tithe and give offerings, but I was barely making my bills. Not to mention, KidzCity Camp is coming up (woo hoo!) and that will require missing a week of work. I was frustrated! I had no idea where the increase was going to come from. I said, "O.K. God. I have NO idea where the money is going to come from, but I know that I will be alright because You said that You will always provide for me and I will never be forsaken or ever have to go begging for bread. You even went so far as to say You would open the windows of Heaven over my life if I tithed. I may not see it, I may doubt it right now, but YOU said it and You don't lie, so I'll believe Your word."

Two or three weeks went by, same old same. I suppose it was a time for my faith to be tested and give offerings and tithe faithfully, even when money is tight. BUT...

Two days ago I got a letter from my auto insurance company. I opened it and it contained a check for $136! I was like, "WHAT?! What even IS this?" It turns out that my insurance company had a very successful year and decided to select certain individuals with good driving records and award them some of their premium as a return. Hahahahaha! I had no idea that this kind of thing even happens. I guess it just goes to show you that you really have NO idea where God is going to bring your blessings from. He can even bring it from your car insurance!

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