Thursday, February 22, 2007

My own Valentine

So, I know this should have been posted on Valentine's Day, but I never really got around to it. And, since I'm sick at home today, I figure this is a good time to do it.

I know you all know by now that I am an Intern. One of the rules of being an intern is that you cannot be involved in any sort of romantic relationship during the nine-month program. This is not to be legalistic or restrictive, but rather to take away anything that would distract me from fully devoting my time and energy to my relationship with God. Sounds good, right?

Well, being the emotional girl that I am, I was feeling a little glum on Valentine's Day this year, due to the fact that I have no Valentine. So I decided that I would ask God to give me a special present on the 14th. I didn't know what it would be, I just knew that I would know what it was when I got it.

I got about halfway through the day...nothing. I went over to my Mom's house in the afternoon to help her with my little brother. When I got there I told her about my little "deal" with God and how I was still waiting for it. She laughed and said, "Well, I'm sure He'll come through. He always does."

About ten minutes later she came over to me and handed me a book. Not just any book, but a Children's Bible. "I found this when I was cleaning out the storage unit" she said. "Read the first page." I opened it and inside was a note that my Dad had written to me when he gave me the Bible for Christmas in 1991; I was nine years old. It said:

Dear Leah,

This is your Dad's favorite book. My prayer for you is that you will read and learn from it every day. If you read this book and do what it says, God Almighty will be your friend - and there is no better friend. I love you, always.


What better Valentine could I have gotten? :)


Jael said...

That is a great story!!! I love it. You are so blessed.

joy said...

So amazing!