Monday, December 11, 2006

Operation "Make-Me-Laugh"

So, this is something that I have been pondering for quite some time. I think we need to bring back the occupation known as "The Court Jester." Bear with me a moment, please.

How great would it be to have someone on-hand at all times with the sole purpose of entertaining you and making you laugh?

It would certainly add a great deal of glee to my life...what about yours? Let me know what you think and we will see what can be done about this.

I already have a few people in mind that I would like to hire to be MY Court Jester!


joy said...

I'm not very funny but I definitely love to maybe I could just call you up or come over and just burst out in laughter until you can't hold it in anymore...and you start laughing with me...and we end up on our backs in stitches of giggles. I would call these explosions of glee "Leah & Joy Laugh-a-ramas."

eri berri said...

Hey Lee Lee, hang in there! I wish I could be there with you right now eating maple cookies and playing "Who Knows You Best" (ah the good ole' days). I love you! You are the best and greatest person ever (beleif me, I am telling it you...) hahaha. I must care about you a whole bunch cause I created this profile just to leave you one message! :)

Jael said...

I think it's a splendid idea, and I know exactly who I'd hire to be my court jester, but I think I'll keep it to myself.