Saturday, September 16, 2006

A gift from my King

While walking through a grocery store in Illinois a few days ago, I came across a lovely bouquet of flowers. At first I simply looked and enjoyed their beauty, then I started to get a little nostalgic feeling in my stomach. It suddenly dawned on me that I missed getting flowers. I am a complete sucker for any kind of girly gifts, but flowers are a true weakness :) I had a boyfriend who used to give them to me as gifts almost weekly. It always made me sad that something so beautiful would eventually wilt and die, so I took pictures of every single bouquet I ever got from him. THAT'S how bad I am, you guys.
Anyway, I had my sad little moment in the store and then went on with my day. The next morning I was standing in the kitchen, cup of coffee in hand, looking out the window at a beautiful Autumn morning. All of a sudden, I see a pink rose in front of my face. I turn around and my Grandpa has a rose in his hand that he picked from his garden just for me. "Grandpa," I said, "I didn't know you grew roses in your garden" He replied, "I didn't either. I've never seen a rose like this before"
So, not only did God hear me in the store that day, He got someone to give me a flower. And not just any flower, a special one that my Grandpa had never seen before! I don't know how much more I could ask for. I love when He does that. He took the time to show me that He does care about the little things in our lives. He cared that I missed getting flowers. He cared enough to show me that He was listening. I love knowing that the God of the Heaven and Earth cares enough to send His silly little girl a pink rose...just so she knows He loves her. :) You'd better believe I took a picture of it too!


joy said...

:o) That is so wonderful!!!!! :o) Wow...He never ceases to amaze. Thanks for sharing that story, friend!

Sounds Like Natella said...

I think you are my favorite story-teller!I love hearing how God speaks to you.

Jael said...

I must be having a day because everything has made me cry today, and at the end of your story I started bawling. hmmm. It was a great story!

Jimmy T said...
