Friday, June 09, 2006

What is important?

You know what I think? I think the purpose of this whole "moving to LA" thing was to give me a chance to be out of the enviroment in which I have spent my whole life. To give me a chance to get away from everyone who knows me. Get away from people telling me what to think and to do, in order to let me figure things out for myself. I think that is what being in my twenties is all about: self-discovery. I find it interesting, now that four months has gone by, that all I really want to do is get back to what is the most important part of my life. Suddenly, fame, fortune and glitz don't seem so exciting. Today, family and God are the most exciting and fulfilling things I can imagine. I miss my church. I miss my family. I want to go where the people I love are. I don't want to live where everyone is on their own agenda, everyone has an ulterior motive...everyone is out for themselves. Was this the whole reason why You moved me here, Lord? To figure this out? Well I'm getting the message, loud and clear.


joy said...

I'm so glad we talked today. Sorry I was a bit groggy. Just so you know, I mentioned to Jenny what we discussed so she can help me figure out what the options would be! We shall talk again very soonly (like the new word I made up? A mix between soon and shortly)! I love ya, youss!!!

Jenny said...

Woo Hoo!! You're coming back to San Diego! We have missed you Leah ... see you soon :)