Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm being romanced <3

Do you ever feel like God finds a special way to tell you how much He loves you? God speaks to me a lot through music. The first time I heard the lyrics of this song, I cried. I felt like it was a special love song from God to me. He used it to tell me how much he treasures me and thinks I'm beautiful just the way I am, today.

Mercy Reigns
By: Shane Barnard

She hides her face, it seems too good
For Your embrace to find her
And say, "My dove, your voice is sweet
Show me your form... your form is lovely"

Your mercy reigns
Your mercy comes
Your mercy falls and rises with the sun

It's new every morning
Its new every morning
Its good enough for me

No ear has heard a melody
As sweet as yours for her
It seems too good, so undeserved
My heart faints now, for we are her

Your mercy reigns
Your mercy comes
Your mercy falls and rises with the sun

I will abide in Your love, Your love

(Song of Solomon 2:14, Lamentations 3:22-23)

I love you too, Jesus :)


joy said...

beautiful! The Creator of Romance definitely romances the best!

Jael said...

I love that soing. Shane and Shane sing it.

Jenny said...

I love that song too ... and I love that God is romancing you. Isn't it great!?!