Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Poem for my Dad

I did not write this. A dear friend of mine did. He knew my Dad well and grew up in the same church as him. When I get his permission, I will post the name of this amazing author. I love this piece so much because it reminds me of where my father truly is and that I will see him again someday.

To mourn and honor the memory of a man who has passed through into the otherside;
A moment to reflect, then, and to ourselves remind,
That even as these tears may grace our face,
Set your mind to drift a moment, and picture Heaven’s gates,
And there awaits,
Tears of joy between a man and savior,
Shared in their embrace.

Rejoice, that so great is his reward,
To kneel before the presence of his sovereign Lord,
And hear these words at this life’s end,
“Welcome home, my son. Well done, my friend.”
And when these nights have passed, each morning turns to day,
And when all of our understanding seems as if its flown away,
When those tears well up in the corners of our eyes, we question if we can cope,
Don’t forget that if this life ends with joy, then it must always run with hope.
Think on the memory of a Man who has passed before us, who walked in lifealong our side,
A moment to reflect then, and to ourselves remind,
That even as tears may grace our face,
Heaven’s gates are not so far, where tears of joy await;
As we remember this man,
Drawn before our Lord and Savior, and sharing his embrace.

1 comment:

joy said...

Amazing and beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!